I wanna fix the pain


I want to tell my loved one that everything is going to be OK. But I know that it won’t be right now.  In this season, life is hard and she/he needs to face their reality without running or numbing their pain with food, sleep, anger, shopping, drugs, alcohol, etc.

I want to shield my loved one from the pain. But I can’t.

I want to say the right thing … but this crisis is not about me being right.

I want to protect my loved one from the very thing that will make her/him stronger.

I want to kiss the pain away, hug the pain away, block the pain away, talk the pain away, pray the pain…but I know in my head, this only handicaps and hinders their own faith and trust in God. But in my heart … I can’t stand to watch those I love in pain.

So is this crisis really about me or them?  Can I sit with the silence?  Can I surrender?  Can I breathe and exhale?  Can I stop staring at the ceiling? Where is my faith?  Can I break my pattern of overhelping?  Am interceding or interrupting their journey of developing their own; faith, coping skills, courage, resilience, and self-worth?

I tell myself again, “Jewel, you cannot be the enabler, protector, fixer, rescuer, messiah, overhelper, and superwoman.  You must realize your worry and overhelping and codependent ways are hindering his/her faith and personal development. Remember to listen to Donnie McClurkin’s song, “Yes I”ll trust you Lord.”  Stop take a deep breath. Observe without judgement or worry. You must step back, let go and let God.”
